
Friday, February 22, 2013

NBA Trade Deadline Losers

After much speculation, the NBA trade deadline turned out to be a dud, void of any landscape changing trades.

Staying put has closed the chances for many teams to improve their rosters and elevate their odds of becoming a contender for the championship.

The biggest losers are the Bucks, Nets, and Hawks for not figuring out a deal to get Josh Smith out of Atlanta. Even Josh Smith lost out on that deal.

Although it seemed like the Nets didn't have the assets they needed a deal to get Josh Smith to become a legitimate contender because smith would have added the defense, scoring, and rebounding that the Nets lacked at the power forward position. This would have put the Nets one step closer to being able to challenge the heat in the east.

The Bucks wouldn't have become contenders but a lineup that included Brandon Jennings, who is playing extremely well right now, Monta Ellis, up and coming Larry Sanders and Josh smith would have solidified the Bucks as a playoff team.

Now Josh Smith is stuck in Atlanta for the rest of the season and he wont be resigned in Atlanta because he will be looking for a max deal in the summer and they will not spend the money to keep him.

Other losers include the Pacers for not landing J.J. Redick to help with some of their outside shooting but it is not too much of a loss considering that Danny Granger should be coming back soon. 

The Thunder did bolster their bench by adding Ronnie Brewer from the Knicks but they also could have used a J.J. Redick to help with scoring off the bench. Although Kevin Martin has filled in well they can still use a little more offense to take pressure off of Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook.

These teams should have done more to address some of their needs before the deadline but other than the Nets not getting Josh Smith their would not have been any deals that would have changed the championship landscape in the NBA.

The Title will probably stay in Miami or go to the Thunder, Spurs or Clippers.

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