
Friday, February 8, 2013

Adrian Peterson...Human?

Can I just point out that Adrian Peterson was already my pick for MVP way before it was announced, you can ask Ty we argued about it, but now I want to have it documented that he was even more deserving of it and no one should even question it after yesterdays news that he had surgery to repair a sports hernia. 

The injury is the result of tears in the muscle fibers in the lower abdomen. There are several ideas regarding the cause of sports hernia the main one being a tear in the external oblique causing a dilation of the inguinal ring; a torn conjoined tendon and/or a split between the conjoined tendon and the inguinal ligament due to some type of physical trauma.

(courtesy of

Now I'm no doctor...and I don't necessarily know what all that mumbo jumbo fancy muscle talk is but what I do know is that doesn't sound normal or comfortable in anyway.  Some of the symptoms include increased pain with twisting, turning and use of the groin which okay lets be real AP was doing that every game chugging away with his enormous machine like legs and on top of that most of his 2,097 yards this season came after contact!  So he was getting hit and still powering through people like a tank.  So basically you're telling me that Adrian Peterson went several weeks with a sports hernia most likely feeling pain that increased every week and he still ran people over like they were cardboard cut outs and racked up 2,097 yards!?  Tell me anyone else deserved MVP now.  That is a valuable player who can play through that and put up nearly record breaking numbers.  So not only will i gloat a little in saying my argument for AP was even more valid and the right choice but I will also raise a very important question...

Is Adrian Peterson Human?

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