
Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Spread Option

1. Robert Griffin III was knocked out of the Redskins win against the Ravens yesterday. This is the second time this year he has left a game with an injury. Does this validate some of the injury risk concerns that people have about him?

Tylandt Doyle-

After seeing the hit that Robert Griffin III took yesterday I cringed but not cause of just the hit but because I knew it was going to open the flood gates of doubts. I know this validated a lot of people who said that Griffin wouldn't be able to last because he ran a lot and wasn't that big. But looking at the play I think this injury is more a product of just playing football and having a 300 pound line man falling on him. Whether he was running out of the pocket or getting sack that injury could have happened. I think the myth that mobile quarterbacks are prone to injuries have some truth but this is football and everybody is prone to injury. I've seen some of the most jarring hits come to guys being blind sided in the pocket actually. Look at Ben Roethlisberger, he extends plays but isn't running downfield like Griffin and he has been injured every season taking literally bone crushing hits in the pocket and he's significantly bigger than Griffin. I almost like the fact that Griffin can evade the hits in the pocket and have the opportunity to get out of bounds and I think as time goes on he'll be more like Aaron Rodgers who has 17 rushing touchdowns including a 29 yarder last night.  People forget Rodgers can burn you with his feet and in the pocket and I think Mike Shanahan is grooming him to run less and throw more. So I don't think it could be the issue that some people think it will be especially if he learns that he can slide every once in a while.


With RGIII getting hurt for a second time this year, I think it definitely raises a significant amount of heads to the fact that he has a risk of injuries as his career progresses.  And by no means is that a shot at Griffin himself.  I love Robert Griffin III. Literally my favorite player in the NFL.  I think he is going to earn himself a Rookie of the Year award at the end of the year.  But with his style and play which his high speed, endurance, making plays with his legs sometimes and taking on bigger hits in doing so, he is much more prone to injury than other quarterbacks in the league.  Looking back a last week where I mentioned I'd rather build my franchise around Andrew Luck, than RGIII this is exactly why I said that and confirms my answer even more.  As a fan, coach, owner, all the way on up you have to consider his durability given the kind of player he is.  I applaud him for his toughness and will to carry his team to victory, but it certainly is in my opinion cause for concern.  It will be interesting to see if he plays this weekend against the Browns or if coach Shanahan decides not to risk the injury getting worse by playing him.


RGIII’s injury should be a concerning one for the Redskins even if it does turn out to be minor. Mobile QB’s are notorious for being about as durable as paper. Then again, it is possible that this injury is just the result of playing such a physical sport.  I think it’s too early in his career to tell if RGIII will be a guy constantly out with knee problems.  One thing is certain though: he has turned his team around in less than a year.  If he can’t play, Washington is big in trouble.

2. Adrian Peterson has 1,600 yards on the season after tearing his ACL less than a year ago and Peyton Manning has the Broncos 10-3 and has 30 touchdowns to only 10 interceptions after being out for more than a year with a serious neck injury. Forget comeback player of the year, who is your MVP?

Tylandt Doyle-

It's crazy to think that the MVP could also be the comeback player of the year. In all honesty I don't see how it can be any other way because there is no other candidate, at least that I can think of, that is better than Manning or Adrian Peterson. But I think that the should split the two awards. I think that Manning should be the MVP because although he joined a "playoff team" nobody would have had them returning to the playoffs or being considered a Superbowl contender without Manning. He came back from what looked like a career ending injury to make this team a serious threat for a title in the NFL. It shows how truly special Peyton Manning is and why he is a Hall of Famer. I think that Adrian Peterson should win the comeback player of the year but not MVP. Although his comeback was miraculous because of how fast he came back to play, in this day and age of modern technology ACL tears aren't as bad as they once were. Also the Vikings are better than last year, I don't know if it is on the same level of what Manning is doing in the mile high city.


This MVP discussion is a very unique one in the sense that one of these guys is probably going to win comeback player of the year as well.  Two great NFL players who come back from serious injuries to have phenomenal seasons for their teams, one of which already made the playoffs one chasing a spot, it's awesome honestly!  That being said I think you got to go with Adrian Peterson.  The guys tallied up 1600 yards on the ground thus far this season, his most yards since 08 when he rushed for a total of 1760 yards which he is well on his way toward breaking and that leads the league, add to that 10 touchdowns as well which is tied for second most in the league and an average of 6.0 yards per carry which also leads all running backs and this guy is the definition of MVP this year.  Not to mention I think knee injuries for running backs are probably one of the hardest things to come back from especially for the beating they take game in and game out.  When Manning finished his surgery it was pretty set and stone according to his doctors that he could return to football and his neck would be fine.  Knee injuries though can be nagging and often times have cost running backs their careers.  Not Peterson.  His work ethic has undoubtedly made reestablished his name as one of the top running backs in the league and when the season is finished he may have over 2000 yards.  That is unheard of considering the NFL is far out of the years of ground and pound football.  By no means am I trying to undercut Peyton Manning either and what he has done, cause his year has been great as well.  3812 yards, 30 touchdowns which ranks second in the league, and only 10 interceptions after missing an entire season.  This guy has proven his doubters wrong as well.  I just think you got to hand it to AP for what he has overcome and the dominance he has shown on the field.  


Adrian Peterson is having one hell of a year especially after coming off a tough injury last season.  He is the reason the Vikings are as good as they are today. That being said, I think I’d give it to Manning.  He has taken a team that was mildly successful with Tim Tebow, and turned them into the second best team in the AFC. He was the missing piece of a team that had everything in place to be successful.  If Peterson manages to carry his team deep into the playoffs, this becomes a different story. But for now, I’ll take the guy who has lead his team to a 10-3 record.

3. Carmelo Anthony returned from injury yesterday to lead the Knicks to a victory over the Denver Nuggets. With the Knicks being 15 and 5 after 20 games and playing so well, what do you think Mike Woodson should do when Amare Stoudemire comes back later this month? Should he start or come off the bench? Do you think Carmelo is a legitamate MVP candidate?

Tylandt Doyle-
We've been hearing this since the Knicks started the season blazing hot. I originally was not a proponent of sitting Amare and bringing him of the bench but i've changed my mind. After seeing how much the Knicks are better with Jason kid in the lineup and Carmelo at the 4, Woodsen can't insert him back into the lineup right away. He should come off the bench at first and once he shows that he's willing to play defense and rebound then you insert him in the starting lineup and even keep Jason Kidd and Felton in to distribute the ball. One thing that I think can help is Raymond Felton, Tyson Chandler and Felton have been dynamic in the pick and roll but Chandler still isn't the finisher Amare is and can't pick and pop like Amare can. Amare averaged 26 points and 8 rebounds with Felton in 2011 before Felton was traded. Chandler is best know for his defense and offensive rebounding so he can still get open shots on putbacks. If they learn how to interior pass like Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol, who also play with an explosive wing player (Rudy Gay) and our leading the western conference in wins, then the Knicks will be fine. 

 This is a very delicate situation the the Knicks and Mike Woodson have to deal with.  Obviously Stoudemire is a great player who has proven he can still dominate the game when he has to.  That being said he has struggled the last few years in New York fitting into the system they run and being effective.  Woodson certainly has a lot to consider.  With how hot his team is right now, especially shooting the three it is tough to want to change much especially in regards to the starting lineup.  I always like to go with the old saying "if the boot fits, wear it."  The Knicks have a good thing going they have figured out how to win in the system they have and with the players they currently have playing.  It would be a huge disappointment if they throw in Stoudemire, things get disrupted and they start losing games.  I'd let him come off the bench and let him figure out where he fits in the system before declaring him a starter.  I think that is their best bet once he returns.  As far as Carmelo goes, this guy has always proven to be one of the top players in the league.  Particularly this year he has stepped up and truly taken over this team as its leader and catalyst.  That being said I don't think there is any way he ends up with the MVP award in his hands come May, simply because I don't see him beating out a guy like Kevin Durant or Lebron James.  Those two guys do it all score, rebound, share the ball, play tough defense and their statistics show that.  I just think no one is going to touch one of those two for that accolade for the second straight year. 

Stoudemire’s return is something that is going to blown up on the headlines.  ESPN will talk for hours on the chemistry between Carmelo and Stoudemire and if they will pass the ball to each other and anything else you can think of.  But I like to think that these guys are the professionals they claim to be.  At the end of the day, you have to do what is best for the team.  If that means share the ball, they will.  If that means give it to Carmelo, they will.  If I was Woodson, I’d start Stoudemire.  He’s a great player and unless he completely flops this season, I don’t see how he can hurt your chances to win.  As for Carmelo being MVP, I’d say yes. After all, he’s the reason I’m doing so well in fantasy this year…

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